Wednesday, September 23, 2009

polenta, sopes, tamales or day 191

it's almost 200 days? damn.

it's been a couple weeks of taking stock. not necessarily doing anything with said stock, but considering the stock none-the-less. are there hyphens in none-the-less? i dunno.

in this vein of taking stock (vain?), i'm realizing that although i do need to lose some weight and i do need to consider what i eat, nothing really changes when i write things down. i look back at the month and see that, for half the time, i stick to the program and the other half, not so much. i did also see that even when i go "off" what i should be doing, i don't usually do it in great excess. i'm not giving up on the idea of weight loss, but i know that i need to find a way that actually works for me. and well, yeah, i probably need to put a little more real effort into it to (rolls eyes). at the very least, i'm still taking water aerobics twice a week. yay!

continuing on in trying out fiscal responsibility, i made a full payment on my student loan, which i believe is the first time since, oh, maybe sometime in 2007. i plan to make full payments each month. this fulfills one for goal #24. i did have an overdraft this pay period, which really bummed me out. but, it was only one and i had 2 pay periods prior without. i will continue to try to avoid them.

i bought new boots, which was goal #48. i haven't received them yet, so hopefully they fit and are comfy, etc. i hope so, because they are super cool:

i added to my #33 goal of being proactive at work by completeing the last of my 3 online classes that i signed up for. it was on being an active listener and proactive manager. really lame, but it's done.
finally, my apartment is in an almost fresh slate state. goal #51 is to keep it tidy before it becomes a project. this is what i will aim to do. the bathroom especially.
for next time, for real this time, EXERBYCLE! also, hopefully, new winter coat and bathing suit.

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