Friday, July 31, 2009

37 or day 137

i was off the week of my birthday, which has absolutely nothing to do with this update.

#13 was to cook more things, more often. this one is technically still on the back burner, but i did make a quiche the other night. it wasn't very good, so i'll have to revisit that (and, perhaps, look at a recipe), but i was happy to have attempted it. the problem was egg beaters. i wanted real eggs, but, as i was doing the shopping and carrying in myself, i thought that was a bad idea. live and learn.

#22 was to put away money each pay period. well, that's not happened, but i did get a piggy bank from richard for my birthday and i am happily putting my daily spare change in it. not quite the $10-20 each pay period that i was trying for, but it's a start.

#24 was to start repaying my student loan. technically, i was starting that i march, but um, i didn't. i will be starting in august. this time, for sure.

#41 was to change sheets more often. i bought really awesome pink paisley ones and will change them this weekend.

#51 was to take more advantage of PT. i think it's actually time to quit. i've debated this on 2 other occasions and stuck it out. i think now, i'm really at the end of the good it can do. well, without being boring. so, my proposal to myself is to take 2 water aerobics classes per week instead.

#59 was to kiss more boys. a lesson i learned this week, wait for someone who is interesting.

#61 was to get drunk

#68 was to get massages seasonally. i'm on track with this. i received my summer massage last week.

#76 was to make shadow boxes. i made this:

it was also #4 of 5 projects, in this case, for lorna.

this weekend, my goals are to swim or bike, frame paper i bought for my bedroom, and *gasp* clean my spare bedroom.


  1. I am looking forward to 2 days of water aerobics a week and I'm sure everyone at the Lawndale pool is looking forward to more of my post class outfits (although I must say yesterday's was so comfy I slept in it)

    Maybe if you had gotten drunk this week then #59 would've been more interesting???

  2. yes, i believe drunkeness might've helped.
