Sunday, March 22, 2009

i heart wendy's or day 7

so, in the last few days, i've continued to accomplish stuff from the list. here's what i've done:

#17 was to get 7-8 hours of sleep most nights. i can happily report that i have gotten at least 7 since i started this. yay me!

#33 was to be more proactive at work. i started a project that has been in my head for about a year and shared it with others. now we are all working on it. it's not a huge project, but it's something that needs to get done. i have a bunch of these that i'd like to start with others too. yay teamwork! (did i really just say that?)

#65 was to take water aerobics. i have signed up to take water walking with val starting next week. yay water wings!

#82 was to become a better public speaker. this actually was inspired by the fact that my dept is doing a presentation at our all staff day this year and i had to go to a day long workshop on presenting. i thought it was going to be awful and boring, but it was actully very helpful and i feel pretty confident that our presentation will not only not suck, but will be enjoyable. yay seeing a videotape of myself speaking!

#101 was to participate in the 365 project. to that end, i've taken a photo everyday since thursday. i will create a blog to post those and link that here. yay camera phone!

next is exerbycle and not eating at wendy's so much. i've been pretty bad about that all week.

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